Singing to your data!

Researchers of the Universities of Sheffield and Leeds have researched a way to compute sound into data. By passing the vibrations of sound on the surface of the fixed wires, it allowed the reasearchers to see movement on the surfaces of the wires. In essence, the reasearchers were "singing" to the data because it was also able to recognize the pitch and the frequencies of the sound that they were creating. This is the first way that researchers were able to save storage through acoustic means by using the surfaces to "feel" and record the waves of the sound. The benefits of using this kind of storage means is that it is low energy and low cost for the storage space that it provides the user. It is very efficient for storage because it requires very little input for it's output because of the nanowires that are used simultaneously in order to move the data that you are "singing" to. The researchers are currently working on a prototype to further their research and provide support for the concept of storage through sound.

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